4WD4life - Hook, Line & Sinker'Classic Catches' Competition

Hook, Line and Sinker is inviting anglers to enter their Classic Catches Competition where you could win 1 of 20 47L EvaKool Icebox, or the grand prize of $10,000 thanks to Mitsubishi Triton! To enter is simple, all you need to do is fill in the online entry form provided and upload your photo of your Classic Catch with the details of the location of your catch, the type and size of your fish, and the tackle you used to catch your fish. There are 20 weekly prizes of a 47L EvaKool Icebox, awarded to that weeks' winner. Plus all entries go into the draw to win the grand prize of $10,000 thanks to Mitsubishi Triton. So if you think you've got a Classic Catch, get your entry in to win in the Classic Catch Competition.

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