Is homework ruining your family life? Do you spend hours every day worrying about how your children (and you) will ever get through the piles of homework that schools are sending home now? There are no magic bullets and no easy answers, but Mary Leonhardt’s commonsense advice will make the whole process easier.
Since the main goal must be that children become independent about managing homework, Leonhardt’s book is full of suggestions about helping that to happen. Chapters deal with issues from preschool through high school. There is also a section on gifted children.
Included is a greatly expanded Appendix, with interviews with her high school students about their homework experiences. She interviews students who have been very competent about completing homework, as well as students who have rebelled, and done very little. There are interviews with gifted students, and interviews with students needing special ed. services.
Is homework ruining your family life? Do you spend hours every day worrying about how your children (and you) will ever get through the piles of homework that schools are sending home now? There are no magic bullets and no easy answers, but Mary Leonhardt’s commonsense advice will make the whole process easier.
Since the main goal must be that children become independent about managing homework, Leonhardt’s book is full of suggestions about helping that to happen. Chapters deal with issues from preschool through high school. There is also a section on gifted children.
Included is a greatly expanded Appendix, with interviews with her high school students about their homework experiences. She interviews students who have been very competent about completing homework, as well as students who have rebelled, and done very little. There are interviews with gifted students, and interviews with students needing special ed. services.
Here are some excerpts from the interviews:
"Junior year started off about the same as other years. I was playing football, but then I got in trouble and I got kicked off the team. That started a downward spiral. Everyone was disappointed and I was more than everyone. It happened quickly. I just stopped caring, totally. I stopped doing assignments."
"I remember my dad read to me as a child, in English and Chinese, every night. I shared a room with my sister, and one night I was working my way through this book and he was helping me, and my sister said, “Can you stop? I want to go to sleep.” And he said, “No, this is important. “There was always the expectation that the homework needs to be done. "
"So at one point, when my older sister was in 9th grade, I was in 6th grade, and my younger sister was in 3rd grade, my parents made a designated “homework time. . . So we would all sit down at the kitchen table, from 7-8:30 or so. Doing this never improved my grades and never me focus better. It just made me annoyed with my parents for being too controlling."
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