Free eBook: OEM Principles of Lean Thinking [Print Replica] Kindle Edition Amazon

This is the revised, Second Edition of the companion text of the Principles of Lean Thinking online course by the Lean Leadership Institute. What exactly does this course teach people? Lean 101 teaches Lean Principles for people in all areas of businesses, the 5 Principles of Lean Thinking originate from the Toyota Production System. How long is the course? The course is about 5 hours in length and can be done on any computer, at any time, and any where. My company is in a specific industry such as engineering. How is this course relevant or useful for that segment of the workforce? This course will identify with your customers current challenges in business. It begins with a review of what your business practices are currently and then it asks that you identify WASTEFUL activities in your position. About 95% of all workplace activities will be considered WASTE from a customer's perspective. YES, 95%. This recognition empowers and teaches the student practical processes and improvements for positive change. How advanced is the course? The "101" suggests it is a basic intro to the principles of lean manufacturing, but how does it go a step further than what someone could find in Wikipedia or on the Lean 101 website? This course uses real life situations. By looking at real people describe their real workplace dilemma; this lean training assists the student with the ability to recognize how similar their workplace situation is to the example provided in this course.

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