Here are five short stories by an author who usually writes crime fiction. Though inspired by personal experiences, they are fiction, filled with lies, and unlikely tales (mostly). All are intended to be humorous or satirical.
In The Savage Hogs, Eli is a misbegotten, gentle young man often mistreated by others. He eventually finds fulfillment in The Savage Hogs, an outlaw motorcycle club. There he meets a girlfriend, Lulu, and participates in wholesome club activities such as road trips to little towns for weekends in bars, brawling with rivals, and terrorizing citizens.
In Einsteins, George panics when the Department of Motor Vehicles rescinds his PhD, thus threatening his college teaching career. He agrees to participate in a six-week program to reinstate his degree, and soon finds himself on a bus with other defrocked academics headed into the unknown. Guess what happens next.
Here are five short stories by an author who usually writes crime fiction. Though inspired by personal experiences, they are fiction, filled with lies, and unlikely tales (mostly). All are intended to be humorous or satirical.
In The Savage Hogs, Eli is a misbegotten, gentle young man often mistreated by others. He eventually finds fulfillment in The Savage Hogs, an outlaw motorcycle club. There he meets a girlfriend, Lulu, and participates in wholesome club activities such as road trips to little towns for weekends in bars, brawling with rivals, and terrorizing citizens.
In Einsteins, George panics when the Department of Motor Vehicles rescinds his PhD, thus threatening his college teaching career. He agrees to participate in a six-week program to reinstate his degree, and soon finds himself on a bus with other defrocked academics headed into the unknown. Guess what happens next.
In TurboCognition, two young engineers, an intuitive reader, and a tyrannical neuroscientist develop a gizmo called HB2P to enhance human cognition. An amorous relationship between one engineer and the intuitive reader complicates matters.
In Close Encounters, the Uranian spaceship does not make first contact on schedule. A skeptical reporter named Danny investigates, finds evidence of UFO fakery, and has a close personal encounter with a ditzy chick named Koko. Koko disappears, apparently abducted by aliens. When another spaceship landing is predicted, Danny rushes to the scene.
In Pink Flamingos, Fred falls in love with Wolves after seeing movies and TV documentaries depicting their beauty, nobility, and complex social behavior. He brings a three-quarter wolf hybrid into his home, and complications ensue, one involving pink flamingos.
Key Terms: academic life, academics, Australia, black project, Cadillac, clairvoyance, close encounter, cognition, cult, engineer, ESP, extrasensory perception, fast food, flying saucers, gambling, gang, government contractor, Harley Davidson, Hog, Honda, intuitive reading, Las Vegas, love, management, military sponsor, minimum wage, motorcycle club, neuroscience, orphan, outlaw biker, PhD, professor, psychic, R&D, research and development, sex, Siberian Husky, Suzuki, teaching, telepathy, tenure, UFO, wolf, wolf behavior
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