Have you ever wondered what employers are looking for when they hire? Is there some secret reason why some people tend to find employment easily while others send out resume after resume without getting any results. As a professional career counselor I have often been asked this by many unemployed, or underemployed people? To help answer this question, I did research with over 500 companies asking people who are involved in hiring what they look for when they hire. As a result of this research, I found 6 major factors that many employers look for when they hire an new employee. By understanding these 6 factors, you can very quickly improve all aspects of your job search including your resume and your answer in a job interview. Understanding these 6 basic factors can help you to get hired into a career for a lifetime of satisfaction and success. "How To Get A Job" is a practical manual for job-hunters and career-changers. It provides proven practical tips to help you to be more successful in your job search. The information in this book can help you to learn how to find your next job. It can help you to stand out from the crowd and tap into the hidden job market. This book can help you to beat the job-loss blues and help you to get hired again. "How To Get A Job" will show you what really gets you hired. It will help you to create unbeatable cover letters and resumes. In more than 20 years as a counselor, I have seen the pain caused by unemployment. I have worked with people who had to sell their houses, or had to pick up their family and move to another community where housing was cheaper, or where there might be more jobs. I have worked with unemployed people that found it hard to even get out of bed anymore, who struggled to be happy. Unemployment can be a painful experience that can dramatically affect all areas of your life. At a local community college I was asked to develop a workshop titled "Loss To Success" for unemployed people. Although being unemployed can be a form of loss, I have seen countless people find success in getting a job again. In this book I share some of the strategies and tips that I have seen work with others. By understanding what employers are looking for, this can give you an advantage in your job search.