ATTENTION:: Established Kindle Publishers and Authors About to Launch Their First Book
Do you wonder ANY of the following: Is it better to launch a book for free or $.99? Is there still a benefit to the KDP Select program? When should I move my books to another platform? How do I increase lagging sales?If you answered yes to any of these questions, then it's important to know "what currently works" with Kindle Publishing.
ATTENTION:: Established Kindle Publishers and Authors About to Launch Their First Book
Do you wonder ANY of the following: Is it better to launch a book for free or $.99? Is there still a benefit to the KDP Select program? When should I move my books to another platform? How do I increase lagging sales?If you answered yes to any of these questions, then it's important to know "what currently works" with Kindle Publishing.
DISCOVER: Launching and Pricing Strategies That Work in 2013
Kindle publishing offers a rare opportunity to make money with your words. Simply write a good book and you'll tap into the world's largest online store. But it's not the utopian business model that some Internet gurus claim. You have to work hard and you have to constantly adapt your marketing strategies if you want to be successful.
One tactic in particular that doesn't work like it once did is the "free day promotion" that Amazon provides through the KDP Select program. In the past, you could give away a book and see an immediate bump in sales. Moreover, many authors were able to launch their book for free and see it climb the charts once it switched to paid. Unfortunately, recent changes to Amazon's algorithm has led to diminished success with this strategy. Some people are even saying, "KDP Select is dead."
The question is, if KDP Select no longer works, what can an author do to launch or increase sales?A possible solution is the "$.99 pricing" strategy." Rather than giving away a book, some people market it at a discounted rate (usually $.99), which ultimately leads to lots of sales at a higher price.
These two choices leave many authors confused. Do the free days still work? Or should an author use the $.99 pricing strategy? In other words, is $.99 the new free?With the booklet, "Is $.99 the New Free" you'll get a detailed case study of the launching and pricing techniques that actually drive sales on
INSIDE:: Is $.99 the New Free? - The Truth About Launching and Pricing Your Kindle Books
Inside "Is $.99 the New Free" you'll get short and actionable content that answers the following questions:
Why is it important to track your Kindle book sales?What authors benefit best from offering free books through KDP Select?Is it better to launch a book for free or sell it at $.99?How does "visibility" work on Amazon?How can you make a book permanently free on Amazon?When should you move a book to other platforms?How can you build an author platform?Kindle publishing is constantly evolving. What you need is a strategy guide to keep up with these changes.
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