Leadership: Achieve Your Goals – Four Simple Leadership Principles For Everyone!
AWESOME BONUS: Get two 100% free videos for goal-setting first, and then apply the four leadership principles.Do you want to achieve your personal goals?
Leadership: Achieve Your Goals – Four Simple Leadership Principles For Everyone!
AWESOME BONUS: Get two 100% free videos for goal-setting first, and then apply the four leadership principles.Do you want to achieve your personal goals?ATTENTION: This book is for everyone except CEO’s of huge corporation and Prime Ministers.
In the book, I share how I managed to achieve my personal goals with the application of four leadership principles.
This means that everything you are about to learn has been tried and tested. I write from my personal experience and I’m giving you a chance to take advantage of it right now.
Success is Personal as Well as Leadership
Most of the leadership courses and development programs are designed for the Fortune 500 executives, not for the small entrepreneur or the common person. And now when we hear about leadership, we imagine politicians or CEO’s of big companies. We may even think consciously or subconsciously: “Oh, well, leadership is not for me – I’m not the boss!”
Believe me, LEADERSHIP IS FOR YOU! It also has different stages , not only at the top of organizations.
I have found the problem!
According to “Leadership development fact book 2012” almost 15 billion annually are spent on leadership programs, but the results are not satisfactory.
I've started asking myself – why?I've come to the conclusion that a differentiation has to be made between two concepts. The first one is called leadership and the second one – self-leadership.
My book concentrates on self-leadership because this is the first step towards leadership.
What is self-leadership?“Self-leadership means committing yourself to goals and pursuing them while believing in the attainability of these goals.”
This book is different. The four leadership principles that I’m going to reveal can be applied by anyone, regardless of their job or financial situation. They will help you achieve your personal goals as they helped me and many other people.
You Will See A Different Point Of View!
The book is about my 8-month-journey in the USA and just to give you and idea of the power of these four leadership principles:
Here is how my eight-month-journey began:
• I was $4000 in debt.
• English is my second language.
• Never been to Alaska before.
• Never worked for an American company before.
• Never worked in a hotel or a restaurant before.
• I had a job offer for a housekeeper.
Here is how my journey ended:
• I made enough money to pay my debt back and to pay for my Master’s degree in Copenhagen. (two years of one of the most expensive cities in the world)
• Four promotions:
-Server assistant
-Expeditor (communication and coordination in a kitchen of a restaurant with 250 seats)
-Offered to become a night supervisor of the restaurant.
• I've made many friends and connections (vitally important!).
• I've built respect and trust in people’s eyes.
So, would you like to hear my story?Leadership in its forms will help us move forward, more confidently and enthusiastically than ever.
If you are ready grab this book and take control of your future right now!
“In this new century nothing will matter more than the education of new leaders and the development of new ideas” - Larry Summers.
PS: Do not forget to grab the two FREE videos about goal setting.
To your success,
-Vladimir Raykov
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