Start making money online and work from home selling on eBay by drop shipping retail products, with no experience whatsoever, immediately - just like my current 2,250+ students - all of whom have enrolled in the last year.
No website is needed - only selling on eBay is required.
Note 1: You get full, free, lifetime access to my $47 How to Start an Online Sports Card Business course - click here - a new window will open)
About this course:
Over 2,250 very happy students
You'll make back the investment in 2-4 sales!
Work From Home
Make Money Online
Selling on eBay
No website is required
Dozens of 5 Star Reviews from VERY satisfied students
Full, free lifetime access
All future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for free
Unconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guarantee - that's my personal promise of your success!
Now includes a 70 page PDF of niches you can profit from - instantly!
$2,000 profit a month with no inventory
OVER $525,000.00 in sales in less than 2 years.
.... all very easily!
Today, you can learn how to make money from home, easily, selling on eBay, with no inventory whatsoever - and with ZERO prior experience drop shipping!
Your initial goal is an easy $2,000 profit every month.
You will need no product inventory. I show you how to instantly access wholesalers inventory, which you can use for free ... and I go into full detail showing exactly how you, like me, can use drop shipping by selling on eBay for immediate success.
Based on my huge successes, I let you look over my shoulder as I explore not only my own eBay account, showing you precisely what I do to average more than $2,000 a month in profit and work from home.
Whether you already have an eBay account or not, you can be quickly earning this sort of money from an hour of work a day ... just like me!
I stress that you need no prior experience.
You'll learn…
How to gain access to ANY product at WHOLESALE PRICES.
You'll be able to LIST their inventory
After you make a SALE they'll SHIP your order.
You NEVER need to keep an INVENTORY.
You only buy the customers order AFTER you make a sale.
You make a PROFIT when you sell your items at RETAIL PRICES - wholesale prices = MONEY YOU KEEP!
... and much, much more!
One final very important point.
If you don't have an eBay account, I spend a lot of time in this course showing you how to create your own selling on eBay niche, easily.
You can have your own niche up and running today, right after going through this course - and be earning immediately!
Click the "take this course" button, top right, now ... every hour you delay is costing you money...
Hi, my name is Matt Bernstein and I wasn’t always financially independent. I was in debt because I wasn’t making enough money. After graduating high school, I went to college like everyone else because that is what is practical. We’re all told, go to college, get good grades, graduate, and get a great job. Well a lot of people have fallen victim to that advice. You come out of college with all this debt and the only jobs out there ONLY come with a $30,000/year salary. That just isn’t enough money for you to become financially independent.
You start college at such a young age that you’re probably not even sure what you want to do for the rest of your life. You pay $200,000 to graduate, get a job, and when you actually start working you don’t even like your field. Now you’re working in a job you hate because you have to pay off the loans. All because you had to pick something you wanted to do for the rest of your life at 18 years old. That’s the system of practicality at its finest. DON’T fall victim to it.
College doesn’t tell you how to truly make money. They are preparing you so you can become part of a system of workers. So you can have job security. Look around you. You can’t afford to become dependent on the world anymore. You need to learn how to be in control of your own life. There is an abundance of everything in the world and you are deserving of it. You have to be smarter and more efficient than you currently are. Don’t ask why things aren’t easier. Ask why you’re not better.
When I started learning in 2006, I was overspending on $1,500.00 video courses that weren’t working. I was in debt and felt a pressure to make money. It was such a big investment and such a risk at 17 years old. It was too much of an investment upfront.
In the first year, I didn’t make back $1,800 in profits because the instructors didn’t do an efficient job teaching me how to make money online. Selling products priced at $20 just doesn’t work. Products priced at $50 and even $100 doesn’t work. You’re not making enough profit. Your time is very valuable and you don’t want it consumed by fulfilling orders that you make $5 on. It’s too many emails back and forth. It’s too many tracking # to keep track of and it’s too much stress.
I spent $500 to use Legalzoom when it was easier to file for a business license myself. I was making all of these mistakes, spending too much money upfront, and setting myself up for failure. I was basically hitting my head against the wall trying to figure this out.
I’ve been selling online since 2006 and has SOLD over $750,000 DOLLARS in total. On January 31st 2012 I started an online retail business and made his FIRST SALE 2 WEEKS LATER. SALES to date as of 12/1/2013 have been OVER $525,000.00.
I'm also the founder of LowCostHustle.com and the goal is to teach you how to teach yourself how to rely on yourself and become financially independent. Most importantly you shouldn't have to spend thousand of dollars to learn. Life is about learning and a great education should be easily accessible for a low cost.
Best Selling Video Innovations:
How to Make Money with No Money
Make Money Online: Selling on eBay & How to Start a Business
How to Invest in Stocks: Develop an Investor's Mindset
How to Start an Online Sports Card Business in the U.S.
You can learn more about Low Cost Hustle at www.LowCostHustle.com and contact me at
[email protected]