Utilize the power of your brain by knowing the facts about your mind and memory system. By doing so, you can become more imaginative and more efficient at whatever it is you choose to do. Understand the tricks that your mind plays to help you remember figures and data, discover what it actually is that allows you to remember things, and what stops you from forgetting the details of your own life. This book includes chapters on various types of memory loss and why people might suffer from it.
Learn how to improve the memory! This book is the complete guide on how to improve your memory.
Also with Two complete Bonus chapters with information you can use right away and Now!
Utilize the power of your brain by knowing the facts about your mind and memory system. By doing so, you can become more imaginative and more efficient at whatever it is you choose to do. Understand the tricks that your mind plays to help you remember figures and data, discover what it actually is that allows you to remember things, and what stops you from forgetting the details of your own life. This book includes chapters on various types of memory loss and why people might suffer from it.
Learn how to improve the memory! This book is the complete guide on how to improve your memory.
Also with Two complete Bonus chapters with information you can use right away and Now!
Download this Bestseller Now!!
“Memory Improvement techniques” is the guide for those who want to learn easy-to-follow tips and techniques to improve their memory. It describes how the memory system works and what makes a person remember things - and what can even make a person forget his loved ones. Many people consider it as “fate”, but if you want to know the scientific facts behind memory loss, then this book is perfect for you. Memory is no miracle, it is all in the brain - your brain.
The state of laziness should be analyzed to gain a better perception, in order to help the victims live a better life, a life to keep them contented, to keep them moving. Stop being Lazy Right Now offers to help “lazy” people overcome dysfunction, and to become successful and prolific human beings.
Don't waste time, Learn this today!
This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to Improve Your Memory.
This book will help you understand the basics of memory loss and the differences between various kinds of memory loss, dementia and normal age-related memory loss. It might seem to be a minor issue now, but memory loss is a severe condition. It can alter quality of life to such an extent that even carrying out normal, daily activities - such as feeding and washing oneself - becomes a challenge. As people with dementia are no longer able to recognize other people and places, they are also more at risk of harming themselves and the people around them.
As if this wasn’t enough, every reader will also find two surprise, bonus chapters. Bonus chapter will help you to enhance your mental capacities. It suggests some exercises that are designed to enhance your brain activity, and will also take you into the mysterious world of alternative medicine, showing how you can use aromatherapy and acupuncture to reduce memory loss.
And a tiny sample of what you will find inside.
Memory loss causes
Different Types of Stress
Sleep and memory
Self Confidence
Tips and Tricks to Be Smarter
Memory Improvement Techniques
Emotional Intelligence
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Bonus Chapter from the Book " Stop Hurting and Start Living "
And, much, much more!
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