Pillowcapers: A Sleepy Adventure iTunes

#1 Top App of the Week - iheartthisapp.com
"Yankee Peddler have excelled themselves in this introductory bookapp, they have chosen a great story, and have executed it well. Full of action and adventure, the town of tidy corners really comes alive. #fourlittletesters loved the characters and were blown away by the flawless illustration and animation.” - #fourlittletesters
Pillowcapers: A Sleepy Adventure is a very different type of bedtime story. Follow Sam, whose pillowcase unlocks hidden powers, as he discovers a magical sleepy world. He becomes part of the elite Society of Heroes, Heroines and Haberdashers, also known as, S.H.H.H., and uses larger-than-life powers to battle a colorful, noisy nuisance that has arrived in his small town of Tidy Corners.
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